(978) 531-0472
Our Services
Conway, Cahill-Brodeur Funeral Homes offers a full range of funeral services. All services are based on the families needs and desires and can include any of the following:
Traditional Funeral Service – generally includes defined calling or visitation hours, followed by a service at the funeral home, church or other facility and an attended community service at the cemetery. All professional services, equipment and facilities can be provided.
Families frequently ask if there is a specified clothing etiquette for the deceased. Our staff feels that whatever outerwear depicts your loved one’s life is appropriate.
Graveside Service – is generally a more simple service held at the gravesite in the cemetery of your choosing with family, friends and clergy attending. All professional services and equipment can be provided.
Traditional Service Followed by Cremation – Cremation could be offered as an alternative form of disposition after a traditional service. This generally would include visitation hours, and services at the funeral home or facility of choice. Cremation would then follow without any attended rites or services. All professional services, facilities and equipment could be provided. Disposition of the cremated remains would be at the families discretion.
Cremation with Memorial Service – An immediate cremation with a memorial service to follow at a later date at the funeral home or other facility. All professional services, facilities and equipment can be provided.
Direct Cremation Service – Direct cremation disposition with no service or memorialization.
Out of State Services – We are equipped to handle services out of our local area, another state or foreign country. We are able to provide any services requested.
Other Services:
Public Speakers – Out staff is very willing to meet with your club or organization to discuss funeral service practices. Please call our office to schedule a speaker.
References and Resources – We maintain literature and reference resources for your use.
Miscellaneous Merchandise – We stock or have access to funeral related items such as flag and memorabilia cases, plaques and keepsake items.
To further discuss your options, please call us or click HERE to arrange an appointment at either of our locations.