John Abizaid

Obituary of John George Abizaid

J�o�h�n� � J�a�c�k� �G�.� �A�b�i�z�a�i�d�,� �I�I�,� �6�7�,� �a� �r�e�t�i�r�e�d� �l�a�b�o�r� �r�e�l�a�t�i�o�n�s� �a�t�t�o�r�n�e�y� �w�i�t�h� �t�h�e� �F�e�d�e�r�a�l� �G�o�v�e�r�n�m�e�n�t�,� �d�i�e�d� �s�u�d�d�e�n�l�y� �a�n�d� �u�n�e�x�p�e�c�t�e�d�l�y� �i�n� �h�i�s� �h�o�m�e� �W�e�d�n�e�s�d�a�y� �a�f�t�e�r�n�o�o�n�.� � �H�e� �l�i�v�e�d� �i�n� �P�e�a�b�o�d�y� �f�o�r� �4�0� �y�e�a�r�s�.�� � � �B�o�r�n� �i�n� �B�o�s�t�o�n�,� �h�e� �w�a�s� �t�h�e� �s�o�n� �o�f� �C�h�a�r�l�e�s� �J�.� �a�n�d� �M�a�r�g�u�e�r�i�t�e� �(�C�e�f�a�l�o�)� �A�b�i�z�a�i�d�.� � �H�e� �l�i�v�e�d� �i�n� �M�e�d�f�o�r�d� �i�n� �h�i�s� �y�o�u�t�h� �a�n�d� �a�t�t�e�n�d�e�d� �M�e�d�f�o�r�d� �P�u�b�l�i�c� �S�c�h�o�o�l�s�.� � �H�e� �g�r�a�d�u�a�t�e�d� �f�r�o�m� �M�e�d�f�o�r�d� �H�i�g�h� �S�c�h�o�o�l� �w�h�e�r�e� �h�e� �p�l�a�y�e�d� �b�a�s�e�b�a�l�l� �a�n�d� �f�o�o�t�b�a�l�l�.� � �U�p�o�n� �g�r�a�d�u�a�t�i�o�n� �h�e� �r�e�c�e�i�v�e�d� �a� �f�o�o�t�b�a�l�l� �s�c�h�o�l�a�r�s�h�i�p� �t�o� �t�h�e� �U�n�i�v�e�r�s�i�t�y� �o�f� �R�h�o�d�e� �I�s�l�a�n�d� �w�h�e�r�e� �h�e� �p�l�a�y�e�d� �u�n�t�i�l� �s�u�s�t�a�i�n�i�n�g� �a�n� �i�n�j�u�r�y�.� � �H�e� �c�o�m�p�l�e�t�e�d� �h�i�s� �s�t�u�d�i�e�s� �i�n� �h�i�s�t�o�r�y� �t�h�e�r�e� �a�n�d� �t�h�e�n� �a�t�t�e�n�d�e�d� �B�o�s�t�o�n� �U�n�i�v�e�r�s�i�t�y� �L�a�w� �S�c�h�o�o�l�,� �g�r�a�d�u�a�t�i�n�g� �a�n�d� �p�a�s�s�i�n�g� �t�h�e� �M�a�s�s�a�c�h�u�s�e�t�t�s� �B�a�r� �i�n� �1�9�6�0�.� � �H�e� �t�h�e�n� �r�e�c�e�i�v�e�d� �a� �c�o�m�m�i�s�s�i�o�n� �f�r�o�m� �t�h�e� �U�n�i�t�e�d� �S�t�a�t�e�s� �A�i�r� �F�o�r�c�e� �i�n� �1�9�6�0� �a�n�d� �s�e�r�v�e�d� �a�s� �a� �J�A�G� �o�f�f�i�c�e�r� �u�n�t�i�l� �1�9�6�3�.� � �H�e� �t�h�e�n� �b�e�c�a�m�e� �a� �p�a�r�t�n�e�r� �i�n� �t�h�e� �l�a�w� �f�i�r�m� �A�b�i�z�a�i�d� �a�n�d� �A�b�i�z�a�i�d�,� �p�r�a�c�t�i�c�i�n�g� �w�i�t�h� �h�i�s� �f�a�t�h�e�r� �C�h�a�r�l�e�s� �u�n�t�i�l� �1�9�7�3�.� � �H�e� �t�h�e�n� �a�g�a�i�n� �s�e�r�v�e�d� �a�s� �a� �J�A�G� �o�f�f�i�c�e�r� �u�n�t�i�l� �h�i�s� �r�e�t�i�r�e�m�e�n�t� �a�s� �a� �L�t�.� �C�o�l�o�n�e�l� �i�n� �1�9�9�5�.� � �H�e� �w�a�s� �a�l�s�o� �a�n� �i�n�s�t�r�u�c�t�o�r� �o�f� �b�u�s�i�n�e�s�s� �l�a�w� �a�t� �W�e�s�t�e�r�n� �N�e�w� �E�n�g�l�a�n�d� �L�a�w� �S�c�h�o�o�l� �i�n� �t�h�e� �L�e�x�i�n�g�t�o�n� �b�r�a�n�c�h� �a�t� �F�o�r�t� �D�e�v�e�n�s� �c�a�m�p�u�s�.�� � � �J�a�c�k� �w�a�s� �a�n� �a�v�i�d� �r�e�a�d�e�r�,� �w�r�i�t�e�r� �a�n�d� �h�i�s�t�o�r�i�a�n�.� � �H�e� �f�r�e�q�u�e�n�t�l�y� �c�o�n�t�r�i�b�u�t�e�d� �a�r�t�i�c�l�e�s� �a�n�d� �l�e�t�t�e�r�s� �t�o� �t�h�e� �B�o�s�t�o�n� �G�l�o�b�e� �a�n�d� �t�h�e� �S�a�l�e�m� �E�v�e�n�i�n�g� �N�e�w�s�.� � �H�e� �l�o�v�e�d� �c�o�l�l�e�c�t�i�n�g� �n�o�s�t�a�l�g�i�c� �i�t�e�m�s� �s�u�c�h� �a�s� �o�l�d� �r�a�d�i�o�s� �a�n�d� �t�a�p�e�s� �o�f� �o�l�d� �r�a�d�i�o� �p�r�o�g�r�a�m�s�.� � �H�e� �a�l�s�o� �a�p�p�e�a�r�e�d� �a�s� �a�n� �e�x�p�e�r�t� �o�n� �t�h�e� �s�u�b�j�e�c�t� �o�f� �o�l�d� �t�i�m�e� �r�a�d�i�o� �f�o�r� �s�e�v�e�r�a�l� �r�a�d�i�o� �p�r�o�g�r�a�m�s�.� � �A�d�d�i�t�i�o�n�a�l�l�y�,� �h�e� �w�a�s� �a�n� �a�f�i�c�i�o�n�a�d�o� �o�f� �B�e�n�n�y� �G�o�o�d�m�a�n�,� �F�r�a�n�k� �S�i�n�a�t�r�a� �a�n�d� �G�l�e�n� �M�i�l�l�e�r�.� � � �A�s� �a�n� �h�i�s�t�o�r�i�a�n�,� �h�e� �l�e�d� �m�a�n�y� �m�i�l�i�t�a�r�y� �p�e�r�s�o�n�n�e�l� �a�n�d� �f�r�i�e�n�d�s� �o�n� �t�o�u�r�s� �o�f� �t�h�e� �F�r�e�e�d�o�m� �T�r�a�i�l� �a�n�d� �t�h�e� �b�a�t�t�l�e�g�r�o�u�n�d�s� �o�f� �L�e�x�i�n�g�t�o�n� �a�n�d� �C�o�n�c�o�r�d�.� �J�a�c�k� �a�l�s�o� �e�n�j�o�y�e�d� �p�l�a�y�i�n�g� �t�e�n�n�i�s� �a�n�d� �r�a�c�q�u�e�t�b�a�l�l�.� � �H�e� �s�e�r�v�e�d� �a�s� �c�h�i�e�f� �u�m�p�i�r�e� �i�n� �t�h�e� �P�e�a�b�o�d�y� �L�i�t�t�l�e� �L�e�a�g�u�e� �s�y�s�t�e�m� �f�o�r� �m�a�n�y� �y�e�a�r�s�.� � �A�d�d�i�t�i�o�n�a�l�l�y�,� �h�e� �e�n�j�o�y�e�d� �h�o�s�t�i�n�g� �f�r�i�e�n�d�s� �a�n�d� �f�a�m�i�l�y� �a�t� �d�i�n�n�e�r� �p�a�r�t�i�e�s� �a�n�d� �h�o�l�i�d�a�y�s�.�� � � �H�i�s� �f�u�n�e�r�a�l� �c�e�r�e�m�o�n�y� �w�i�l�l� �b�e� �h�e�l�d� �o�n� �T�h�u�r�s�d�a�y� �M�a�r�c�h� �6�t�h� �a�t� �1�0� �A�M� �i�n� �t�h�e� �C�o�n�w�a�y� �f�a�c�i�l�i�t�y� �o�f� �t�h�e� �C�o�n�w�a�y�,� �C�a�h�i�l�l�-�B�r�o�d�e�u�r� �F�u�n�e�r�a�l� �H�o�m�e� �a�t� ��1�2� �C�h�e�s�t�n�u�t� �S�t�r�e�e�t�� �i�n� �P�e�a�b�o�d�y�.� � �R�e�l�a�t�i�v�e�s� �a�n�d� �f�r�i�e�n�d�s� �a�r�e� �k�i�n�d�l�y� �i�n�v�i�t�e�d� �t�o� �a�t�t�e�n�d�.�� � �A� �v�i�s�i�t�a�t�i�o�n� �w�i�l�l� �b�e� �h�e�l�d� �o�n� �W�e�d�n�e�s�d�a�y� �M�a�r�c�h� �5�t�h� �f�r�o�m� �2�-�4� �a�n�d� �7�-�9� �P�M�.� �� �B�u�r�i�a�l� �w�i�l�l� �b�e� �i�n� �P�u�r�i�t�a�n� �L�a�w�n� �M�e�m�o�r�i�a�l� �P�a�r�k� �i�n� �P�e�a�b�o�d�y�.�� � �I�n� �l�i�e�u� �o�f� �f�l�o�w�e�r�s�,� �m�e�m�o�r�i�a�l� �d�o�n�a�t�i�o�n�s� �i�n� �h�i�s� �n�a�m�e� �(�i�f� �d�e�s�i�r�e�d�)� �m�a�y� �b�e� �m�a�d�e� �t�o� �t�h�e� �c�h�a�r�i�t�y� �o�f� �o�n�e�’ s� �c�h�o�i�c�e�.
To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of John Abizaid, please visit our Tree Store

Cemetery Service

Thursday, March 6, 2003Puritan Lawn Memorial Park185 Lake StreetPeabody, MA11:00AM


Thursday, March 6, 2003Conway, Cahill-Brodeur Funeral Home<b>12 Chestnut Street</b>Peabody, MA10:00AM

Visitation 1

Conway, Cahill-Brodeur Funeral Home<b> 12 Chestnut St. </b>Peabody, MAWednesday, March 5, 20032:00PM4:00PM

Visitation 2

Conway, Cahill-Brodeur Funeral Home<b>12 Chestnt Street</b>Peabody, MAWednesday, March 5, 20037:00PM9:00PM
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