Monday, October 7, 2019
Garry and family, I was saddened to hear of Aunt Lois' passing. My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time. I remember all the Thanksgivings and Christmases with the extended Massey family...Nana and Grampy, all the aunts and uncles, and the many, many cousins. Those are memories that will never be deleted from my memory bank. I remember trips that your parents and mine made together over the years. They even visited me when I lived in North Dakota for a short while. I'm glad I was able to reconnect with you, your Mom, Aunt Trudy, Aunt Phyllis, and several other cousins and their families when I was back for my 50th high school reunion in 2016. Family is everything and even though I don't do a good job of keeping in touch, I think of you all very often. Love, Bob Meyer